*Colours bottom of page

Barge Capping – In Stock

Barge Capping covers the rear (apart from attached) and sides of your roof to stop water entering the panel. Our imported barge channel comes in 3.5m lengths and needs to be joined if the panel is longer than 3.5m. The color is off white – the same as our panels.

Z Flashing – In Stock

Z (fascia) Channel is for the lowest side of the roof and has the gutter attached to it. Our imported Z Channel has a 75mm drop so the back of the gutter brackets may be visible on a wide roof. The flashing comes in 3.5m lengths and needs to be joined if the panel is longer than 3.5m. The color is off white – the same as our panels.

Receiver / C Channel – In Stock

The Receiver Channel, also known as C Channel, attaches to your house so one end of the panels slots into it & the other end rests on the beam. Our Receiver Channel is is stocked in lengths of 3m, 4m, 5m & 6m. The color is off white – the same as our panels.

Barge Capping – Made To Order

Barge Capping covers the rear (apart from attached) and sides of your roof to stop water entering the panel. Made to order from 0.5mm steel with a drip line on the outer edge. Flashings are made to order in Colorbond colours in lengths up to 8m.

Z  Channel – Made To Order

Z (fascia) Channel is for the lowest side of the roof and has the gutter attached to it. Our made to order Z Channel has a 120mm drop to hide gutter brackets from under the patio. Flashings are made to order in Colorbond colours in lengths up to 8m.

Receiver / C Channel – Made To Order

The Receiver Channel, also known as C Channel, attaches to your house so one end of the panels slots into it & the other end rests on the beam. Our Made To Order Receiver Channel comes in Off White (Surfmist) only in lengths up to 8m.

Drip edge
Barge Capping
For gutter
Z Fascia Flashing
Panels slot into channel
Receiver or C Channel
Colorbond colours

Marine Plus

A special paint finish recommended for coastal areas. 5 LAYERS of protection prevents premature deterioration of steel structures close to water or swimming pools. Available for Roof Panels, Flashings & Gutters in Surfmist®,  Windspray®,  Dune®,  Woodland Grey® and Monument®.
